Kelly Christina Johnstone

There are times in a young New Yorker's life when the city that you love seems to have turned on you and even your dream one bedroom apartment with hardwood floors and a walk in-closet, becomes a metropolitan nest full of thorns rather than feathers. When you can't get a job at American Apparel even with a great resume and an internship at Nylon, or when the guy who swore he wouldn't break your heart proves that second chances really don't mean a thing, you might think the solution is to retreat to the comforts of your childhood home. In case that sounds like even more of a nightmare, then take my advice and try a stint on the sunny Cote d' Azur.
I was at this point a few weeks ago when my best friend and former college roommate, invited me to spend a month with her in the south of France. Our trip would start in Paris, eventually taking us 850 km down South to the summer playgrounds of the rich, beautiful, and famous.Her email invitation came as if inspired by some higher being that said “You Only Live Once!”and I jumped at the chance to leave behind my beloved but bruised big apple for a while.
Besides, it was fashion week in Paris and a few days of mingling with models and industry people in the city of lights couldn't be a bad idea.Did I max out my credit card booking a ticket with only 3 days advanced notice? Yes. Was it worth it? Definitely.Nostalgic for our former days as roommates on the Upper West Side,my friend and I started off our first night New York à la Parisienne, sipping Cosmos at a cafe in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, and later partying until dawn at the MGM Models party at VIP room.After seven days of wine,fashion shows,museums, dinner at the beautiful George V,(did I mention the wine?) and we were buzzing out of Paris in her red Mini coop to the French Riviera.
After eight hours of driving, we were greeted by the soothing pastel tones of the le Marié's summer home. With a terrace surrounded by palm trees and orange hibiscus, this charming little beach house was the perfect retreat from my New York City abode. I had traded in my Fourth of July for Bastille day, but felt a similar comfort as I watched the explosion of blue, white, and red fireworks reflect in the water on La Croisette in Cannes. Adding to my newly adopted French heritage, I learned all of the traditions of l'apéritif,tried Pastis, saucisson, escargots and even improved on my French a little: “Les betteraves sont archis pourries” (the beets are super rotten!)The locals were more than friendly, offering to teach me “zee french kiss” or shouting out that I had dropped something on the floor wherever I went. “What?” I would ask,“mon cœur!” was always their answer.
Plastered on the front deck of a Jeanneau we worked on our tans and enjoyed the gentle rocking of the Mediterranean waves. It was along those fabled shores, between my best friend and the rich culture of Provence, that I finally felt... not like a whole new person, but like myself again... not clouded by New York pollution. I was revived and inspired by thebeautythat surrounded me. And who knew that with a little sunlight, Snow White's skin turned not pink, but a beautiful olivey-brown!
Now, at the final days of my trip, I leave for the States with a mind full of peace, eager to see my baby - New York, and reminded once again of the reasons we all moved there in the first place... for the energy, the opportunities, and the people... eccentric as they may be. I hope my City missed me as much as I have missed her. It has been a wonderful trip and I'll see you soon New York!
Love Always, Kelly
Editor's Note:
Kelly is an astonishing girl in many ways. She is currently a rising junior at Fordham University with many great experiences under her belt such as an opportunity in Nylon Magazine in the past and an internship at the ABC 7 News Desk in the fall. We always have fun together whether we are at the front row of Zegna Fashion Week or just simply dining out in downtown and tell each other our stories about fashion, loves, friendships, and life in the city.
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