By NYSH Fashion Critic,
Here I am again. The week not even really started and there I was out in the city searching for my next victim. Guess what? I found a lifetime sentence one. Actually, this week I found I lot of them. So I called “ Wrong Fashion Statements Weekly Phenomenon.” Which happens often. I’m serious, maybe it is because of the hot weather that can make people drowsy, consequently they don’t think really well before they get dressed. I was around the 34th street when this miracle happened, I saw my victim getting in to Forever 21. Guess what I did? I also went in. I needed to take a picture of that faux pas. I sound like a stalker but don’t worry, I’m not. I’m just someone that can’t believe how people leave their houses without looking in the mirror.
This lovely lady, as I like to call my victims, deserves a round of applause or maybe a minute of silence. The self-confidence and courage that she has is not even questionable. I think she woke up and said, “ I’m going to be trendy today.” Smart? Ups, I’m sorry but no. I don’t even know why a brand produces this style of garment for big girls. I want to point out that I have nothing against people that are overweight. Because once I was also overweight. But this outfit is KILLING her body.
Let me tell you something, when you have some extra pounds STAY AWAY from bubble skirt/dress, they just make you look bigger. Plus, where is the rest of the skirt? It is TOO short. To complete her outfit, look at her boots. There’s nothing wrong with them alone. On the other hand, it is making her look shorter and makes us pay to much attention to her legs. If this was her intention, she did an amazing job. However, she forgot that if the Fashion Police catches her, she would go straight to Guantanamo Bay. Now, my advice here is whatever your weight is, 1 pound or 300 pounds, wear something that enhance your body first.
Please, do not forget the next time you leave your home be careful cause you can be the next.
Lots of love,
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